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Apply for Assistance

The But­ter­fly Con­nec­tion is an Alice Springs based foun­da­tion pro­vid­ing finan­cial assis­tance to locals who have expe­ri­enced an unex­pect­ed change in cir­cum­stances due to an ill­ness or accident. 

Assis­tance can be offered in the form of pay­ment to assist with:

  1. Bills that can­not be met due to finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties relat­ing to client’s condition
  2. Pur­chase of goods or ser­vices deemed nec­es­sary for the health and well­be­ing of the patient.
  3. Pur­chase of goods and ser­vices to meet the needs of fam­i­ly encum­brance caused by patient’s health and condition.
  4. Return air­fares for parents/​siblings when the patient needs med­ical atten­tion inter­state (sub­ject to conditions).

Whilst our main objec­tive is to give assis­tance in a time of need, we are unable to give mon­ey or fund wages.

The fol­low­ing guide­lines and restric­tions apply to finan­cial sup­port pro­vid­ed by the But­ter­fly Connection:

  • A lim­it­ed amount is payable per application.
  • Due to our reg­u­la­tions, we are only able to pay on receipt of invoic­es or reim­burse­ment from detailed receipts.
  • Appli­ca­tions will only be con­sid­ered after an ade­quate finan­cial and needs assess­ment is under­tak­en. Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion may be attached in sup­port of the application. 

We respect the per­son­al nature of the details you sub­mit and will pro­vide com­plete con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. Please note, as part of our account­abil­i­ty pro­ce­dures there may be some finan­cial records that will have your fam­i­ly name attached to it. If you have any con­cerns regard­ing this pro­ce­dure please con­tact us.

If you are applying on someone else’s behalf, fill this form:

Medical Details

To be completed by a Medical Officer or Treating Agency.

If you are applying on someone else’s behalf, fill this form:

Medical Details

To be completed by a Medical Officer or Treating Agency.

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